Search and Retrieve Metadata services
Search metadata (
The service can be used to retrieve metadata records from GeoNetwork.
Requires authentication: Optional
Search configuration parameters (all values are optional)
- remote: Search in local catalog or in a remote catalog. Values: off (default), on
- extended: Values: on, off (default)
- timeout: Timeout for request in seconds (default: 20)
- hitsPerPage: Results per page (default: 10)
- similarity: Lucene accuracy for searches (default 0.8)
- sortBy: Sorting criteria. Values: relevance (default), rating, popularity, changeDate, title
Search parameters (all values are optional):
- eastBL, southBL, northBL, westBL: Bounding box to restrict the search
- relation: Bounding box criteria. Values: equal, overlaps (default), encloses, fullyOutsideOf, intersection, crosses, touches, within
- any: Text to search in a free text search
- title: Metadata title
- abstract: Metadata abstract
- themeKey: Metadata keywords. To search for several use a value like "Global" or "watersheds"
- template: Indicates if search for templates or not. Values: n (default), y
- dynamic: Map type. Values: off (default), on
- download: Map type. Values: off (default), on
- digital: Map type. Values: off (default), on
- paper: Map type. Values: off (default), on
- group: Filter metadata by group, if missing search in all groups
- attrset:
- dateFrom: Filter metadata created after specified date
- dateTo: Filter metadata created before specified date
- category: Metadata category. If not specified, search all categories
Request to search for all metadata example:
Post request:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<request />
Request with free text search example:
Post request:s
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Request with a geographic search example:
Post request:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Request to search using dates and keywords example:
Post request:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<themekey>"Global" or "World"</themekey>
The response is the metadata record with additional geonet:info section. The main fields are:
response: Response container.
summary: Attribute count indicates the number of metadata records retrieved
- keywords: List of keywords that are part of the metadata resultset. Each keyword contains the value and the number of occurences in the retrieved metadata records.
metadata: Container for each metadata record found. Each container has a geonet:info element with the following information:
- id: Metadata internal identifier
- uuid : Metadata Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
- schema: Metadata schema
- createDate: Metadata creation date
- changeDate: Metadata last modification date
- source: Source catalogue the metadata
- category: Metadata category (Can be multiple elements)
- score: Value indicating the accuracy of search
Metadata search response example:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<response from="1" to="7">
<summary count="7" type="local">
<keyword count="2" name="Global"/>
<keyword count="2" name="World"/>
<keyword count="2" name="watersheds"/>
<keyword count="1" name="Biology"/>
<keyword count="1" name="water resources"/>
<keyword count="1" name="endangered plant species"/>
<keyword count="1" name="Africa"/>
<keyword count="1" name="Eurasia"/>
<keyword count="1" name="endangered animal species"/>
<keyword count="1" name="Antarctic ecosystem"/>
<metadata xmlns:gmx="">
<geonet:info xmlns:geonet="">
<metadata xmlns:gmx="">
<geonet:info xmlns:geonet="">
Get metadata (xml.metadata.get)
The xml.metadata.get service can be used to retrieve a metadata record stored in GeoNetwork.
Requires authentication: Optional
One of the following parameters:
- uuid : Metadata Universal Unique Identifier (UUID)
- id: Metadata internal identifier
Get metadata request example:
Post request:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Successful response (HTTP status code 200) is the XML metadata record with additional geonet:info section. The principal fields for geonet:info are:
- schema: Metadata schema
- createDate: Metadata creation date
- changeDate: Metadata last modification date
- isTemplate: Indicates if the metadata returned is a template
- title: Metadata title
- source: Source catalogue the metadata
- uuid : Metadata Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
- isHarvested: Indicates if the metadata is harvested
- popularity: Indicates how often the record is retrieved
- rating: Average rating provided by users
- State of operation on metadata for the user: view, notify, download, dynamic, featured, edit
- owner: Indicates if the user that executed the service is the owner of metadata
- ownername: Metadata owner name
Get metadata response example:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Metadata xmlns:geonet=""
<title />
<subtemplates />
Error response (HTTP 500 status code) is an XML document with the details of what went wrong. An example of such a response is as follows:
<error id="operation-not-allowed">
<message>Operation not allowed</message>
See Exception handling for more details.
- Request must contain a UUID or an ID, if a uuid or id parameter was not provided. Returns 500 HTTP code
- Operation not allowed (error id: operation-not-allowed), when the user is not allowed to view the metadata record. Returns 500 HTTP code
Get user metadata (xml.user.metadata)
The xml.user.metadata service can be used to retrieve a metadata records according to the user profile of the authenticated user running the service:
- Administrator profile: return all metadata records
- Reviewer or User Administrator profile: return all metadata records with groupOwner in the set of groups the user belongs to
- Editor profile: return all metadata records owned by the user
Requires authentication: Yes
- sortBySelect : (optional) parameter specifying sort order of metadata records returned.
Get metadata request example:
Post request:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Successful response is an XML document with a response container and the user metadata records as children of that container. Each child has a geonet:info element which gives GeoNetwork specific metadata about the metadata record. An example response (with some content removed for brevity) is as follows:
<!-- metadata record 1 -->
<gmd:MD_Metadata ....>
<!-- metadata record 2 -->
<gmd:MD_Metadata ....>
Error response is an XML document with error container and the details of the error. Example:
<error id="service-not-allowed">
<message>Service not allowed</message>
See Exception handling for more details.
- Service not allowed (error id: service-not-allowed), user isn't allowed to run this service. Returned 500 HTTP code.
- Unauthorized user attempted to list editable metadata (error id: operation-not-allowed), when the user is not allowed to list metadata records. Returned 500 HTTP code
RSS Search: Search metadata and retrieve in RSS format (
The service can be used to retrieve metadata records in RSS format, using regular search parameters. This service can be configured in WEB-INF/config.xml with the following parameters:
- maxSummaryKeys: Maximum number of RSS records to retrieve (default = 10)
Requires authentication: Optional. If not provided only public metadata records are retrieved
- georss: valid values are simple, simplepoint and default. See also
- simple: Bounding box in georss simple format
- simplepoint: Bounding box in georss simplepoint format
- default: Bounding box in georss GML format
- eastBL, southBL, northBL, westBL: Bounding box to restrict the search****
- relation: Bounding box criteria. Values: equal, overlaps (default), encloses, fullyOutsideOf, intersection, crosses, touches, within
- any: Text to search in a free text search
- title: Metadata title
- abstract: Metadata abstract
- themeKey: Metadata keywords. To search for several use a value like "Global" or "watersheds"
- dynamic: Map type. Values: off (default), on
- download: Map type. Values: off (default), on
- digital: Map type. Values: off (default), on
- paper: Map type. Values: off (default), on
- group: Filter metadata by group, if missing search in all groups
- attrset:
- dateFrom: Filter metadata created after specified date
- dateTo: Filter metadata created before specified date
- category: Metadata category. If not specified, search all categories
RSS search request example:
Post request:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
The principal fields of the response are:
- channel: This is the container for the RSS response
- title: RSS channel title
- description: RSS channel description
- item: Metadata RSS item (one item for each metadata retrieved)
- title: Metadata title
- link: Link to show metadata page. Additional link elements (with rel="alternate") to OGC WXS services, shapefile/images files, Google KML, etc. can be returned depending on metadata
- description: Metadata description
- pubDate: Metadata publication date
- media: Metadata thumbnails
- georss:point: Bounding box in georss simplepoint format
RSS search response example:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<rss xmlns:media="" xmlns:georss="" xmlns:gml="" version="2.0">
<title>GeoNetwork opensource portal to spatial data and information</title>
<description>GeoNetwork opensource provides Internet access to interactive maps, satellite imagery and related spatial databases ... </description>
<copyright>All rights reserved. Your generic copyright statement </copyright>
<category>Geographic metadata catalog</category>
<generator>GeoNetwork opensource</generator>
<title>Hydrological Basins in Africa (Sample record, please remove!)</title>
<link href="$amp;VERSION=1.1.1&REQUEST=GetMap&BBOX=-17.3,-34.6,51.1,38.2&LAYERS=hydrological_basins&SRS=EPSG:4326&WIDTH=200&HEIGHT=213&FORMAT=image/png&TRANSPARENT=TRUE&STYLES=default" type="image/png" rel="alternate" title="Hydrological basins in Africa"/>
<link href="http://localhost:8080/geonetwork/srv/eng/google.kml?uuid=5df54bf0-3a7d-44bf-9abf-84d772da8df1&layers=hydrological_basins" type="application/" rel="alternate" title="Hydrological basins in Africa"/>
<category>Geographic metadata catalog</category>
<description><![CDATA[ ... ]]></description>
<pubDate>06 Nov 2007 12:13:00 EST</pubDate>
<media:content url="/geonetwork/srv/eng/resources.get?id=11&fname=thumbnail_s.gif&access=public" type="image/gif" width="100"/>
<media:text>Major hydrological basins and their sub-basins ...</media:text>
<!--Bounding box in georss simplepoint format (default) (>
<georss:point>16.9 1.8</georss:point>
RSS latest: Get latest updated metadata (rss.latest)
The rss.latest service can be used to retrieve the most recently modified metadata records in RSS format. This service can be configured in WEB-INF/config.xml file with the following parameters:
- maxItems: Maximum number of RSS records to retrieve (default = 20)
- timeBetweenUpdates: Minimum time (in seconds) between queries for latest updated metadata. If a request is received less than timeBetweenUpdates seconds after the last request, it will receive the same response.
Requires authentication: Optional. If not provided only public metadata records are retrieved
- georss: valid values are simple, simplepoint and default. See also
- simple: Bounding box in georss simple format
- simplepoint: Bounding box in georss simplepoint format
- default: Bounding box in georss GML format
RSS latest request example:
Post request:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
The following are the principal fields of the response:
- channel: This is the container for the RSS response
- title: RSS channel title
- description: RSS channel description
- item: Metadata RSS item (one item for each metadata retrieved)
- title: Metadata title
- link: Link to show metadata page. Additional link elements (with rel="alternate") to OGC WXS services, shapefile/images files, Google KML, etc. can be returned depending on metadata
- description: Metadata description
- pubDate: Metadata publication date
- media: Metadata thumbnails
- georss:where: Bounding box with the metadata extent
RSS latest response example:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<rss xmlns:media="" xmlns:georss=""
xmlns:gml="" version="2.0">
<title>GeoNetwork opensource portal to spatial data and information</title>
<description>GeoNetwork opensource provides Internet access to interactive maps,
satellite imagery and related spatial databases ... </description>
<copyright>All rights reserved. Your generic copyright statement </copyright>
<category>Geographic metadata catalog</category>
<generator>GeoNetwork opensource</generator>
<title>Hydrological Basins in Africa (Sample record, please remove!)</title>
<link href="$amp;VERSION=1.1.1&REQUEST=GetMap
&HEIGHT=213&FORMAT=image/png&TRANSPARENT=TRUE&STYLES=default" type="image/png"
rel="alternate" title="Hydrological basins in Africa"/>
<link href="http://localhost:8080/geonetwork/srv/eng/google.kml?
rel="alternate" title="Hydrological basins in Africa"/>
<category>Geographic metadata catalog</category>
<description><![CDATA[ ... ]]></description>
<pubDate>06 Nov 2007 12:13:00 EST</pubDate>
<media:content url="/geonetwork/srv/eng/resources.get?id=11&fname=thumbnail_s.gif
&access=public" type="image/gif" width="100"/>
<media:text>Major hydrological basins and their sub-basins ...</media:text>
<!--Bounding box in georss GML format (>
<gml:lowerCorner>-34.6 -17.3</gml:lowerCorner>
<gml:upperCorner>38.2 51.1</gml:upperCorner>