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GeoNetwork 2.1-3.X Harvester

This harvester will connect to a remote GeoNetwork server that uses versions from 2.1-3.X and retrieve metadata records that match the query parameters.

Adding a GeoNetwork 2.1-3.X harvester

To create a GeoNetwork 2.1-3.X harvester go to Admin console > Harvesting and select Harvest from > GeoNetwork (from 2.1 to 3.x):

Providing the following information:

  • Identification

    • Node name and logo: A unique name for the harvester and, optionally, a logo to assign to the harvester.
    • Group: Group which owns the harvested records. Only the catalog administrator or users with the profile UserAdmin of this group can manage the harvester.
    • User: User who owns the harvested records.
  • Schedule: Scheduling options to execute the harvester. If disabled, the harvester must be run manually from the harvester page. If enabled, a scheduling expression using cron syntax should be configured (See examples).

  • Configure connection to GeoNetwork (from 2.1 to 3.x)

    • Catalog URL:
      • The remote URL of the GeoNetwork server from which metadata will be harvested. The URL should contain the catalog name, for example:
      • Additionally, it should be configured the node name, usually the value srv.
    • Search filter: (Optional) Define the filter to retrieve the remote metadata.
    • Catalog: (Optional) Select the portal in the remote server to harvest.
  • Configure response processing for GeoNetwork

    • Action on UUID collision: When a harvester finds the same uuid on a record collected by another method (another harvester, importer, dashboard editor,...), should this record be skipped (default), overriden or generate a new UUID?
    • Remote authentication: If checked, should be provided the credentials for basic HTTP authentication on the WebDAV/WAF server.
    • Use full MEF format: If checked, uses MEF format instead of XML to retrieve the remote metadata. Recommended to metadata with files.
    • Use change date for comparison: If checked, uses change date to detect changes on remote server.
    • Set category if it exists locally: If checked, uses the category set on the metadata in the remote server also locally (assuming it exists locally). Applies only when using MEF format for the harvesting.
    • Category: (Optional) A GeoNetwork category to assign to each metadata record.
    • XSL filter name to apply: (Optional) The XSL filter is applied to each metadata record. The filter is a process which depends on the schema (see the process folder of the schemas).

      It could be composed of parameter which will be sent to XSL transformation using the following syntax: anonymizer?protocol=MYLOCALNETWORK:FILEPATH&

    • Validate records before import: Defines the criteria to reject metadata that is invalid according to XML structure (XSD) and validation rules (schematron).

      • Accept all metadata without validation.
      • Accept metadata that are XSD valid.
      • Accept metadata that are XSD and schematron valid.
  • Privileges - Assign privileges to harvested metadata.