Project Steering Committee (PSC)
The GeoNetwork Project Steering Committee (PSC) makes decisions on GeoNetwork opensource project issues.
In brief the committee votes on proposals on the geonetwork-dev mailinglist. Proposals are available for review for at least two days, and a single veto is sufficient to delay progress though ultimately a majority of members can pass a proposal.
Members of the Project Steering Committee
- Jeroen Ticheler (jeroen ticheler * geocat net) GeoCat - Chair
- Simon Pigot CSIRO
- Florent Gravin CamptoCamp
- Jose Garcia GeoCat
- Paul van Genuchten ISRIC
Former members of the PSC
- Jo Cook Astun Technology
- Patrizia Monteduro (Patrizia Monteduro * fao org) FAO-UN
- Emanuele Tajariol (e tajariol * mclink it - GeoSolutions)
- Francois Prunayre
- Jesse Eichar
- Andrea Carboni (acarboni * crisalis-tech com - Independent consultant)
- Archie Warnock (warnock * awcubed com) A/WWW Enterprises
Committers list is available here for the core team and here for the documenter team.
- Emanuele Tajariol
- Craig Jones
- Florent Gravin
- Francois Prunayre
- Jeroen Ticheler
- Jose Garcia
- Maria Arias de Reyna
- Juan Luis Rodriguez Ponce
- Olivier Guyot
- Pierre Mauduit
- Simon Pigot
- Paul van Genuchten
- Antonio Cerciello
- Michel Gabriel
- Jody Garnett
- David Blasby
Contributors list is available here.
The documentation
The documentation was written by the GeoNetwork opensource developers and other community members.