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Simple URL harvesting (opendata)

This harvester connects to a remote server via a simple URL to retrieve metadata records. This allows harvesting opendata catalogs such as opendatasoft, ESRI, DKAN and more.

Adding a simple URL harvester

To create a Simple URL harvester go to Admin console > Harvesting and select Harvest from > Simple URL:

Providing the following information:

  • Identification

    • Node name and logo: A unique name for the harvester and, optionally, a logo to assign to the harvester.
    • Group: Group which owns the harvested records. Only the catalog administrator or users with the profile UserAdmin of this group can manage the harvester.
    • User: User who owns the harvested records.
  • Schedule: Scheduling options to execute the harvester. If disabled, the harvester must be run manually from the harvester page. If enabled, a scheduling expression using cron syntax should be configured (See examples).

  • Configure connection to Simple URL

    • URL - The URL of the server to be harvested. This can include pagination params like ?start=0&rows=20
    • Remote authentication: If checked, should be provided the credentials for basic HTTP authentication on the server.
    • Element to loop on: Propery/element containing a list of the record entries. (Indicated as an absolute path from the document root.) eg. /datasets
    • Element for the UUID of each record : Property containing the record id. eg. datasetid
    • Pagination parameters: (optional).
      • Element for the number of records to collect: Property indicating the total count of record entries. (Indicated as an absolute path from the document root.) eg. /nhits
      • From URL parameter: Property indicating the first record item on the current "page" eg. start
      • Size URL parameter: Property indicating the number of records containned in the current "page" eg. rows
  • Configure response processing for Simple URL

    • XSL transformation to apply: Name of the conversion schema to use, which must be available as XSL on the GeoNetwork instance. eg. OPENDATASOFT-to-ISO19115-3-2018


      GN looks for schemas by name in These schemas might internally include schemas from other locations like To indicate the fromJsonOpenDataSoft schema for example, from the latter location directly in the admin UI the following syntax can be used: schema:iso19115-3.2018:convert/fromJsonOpenDataSoft.

    • Batch edits: (Optional) Allows to update harvested records, using XPATH syntax. It can be used to add, replace or delete element.

    • Category: (Optional) A GeoNetwork category to assign to each metadata record.
    • Validate records before import: Defines the criteria to reject metadata that is invalid according to XML structure (XSD) and validation rules (schematron).
      • Accept all metadata without validation.
      • Accept metadata that are XSD valid.
      • Accept metadata that are XSD and schematron valid.
  • Privileges - Assign privileges to harvested metadata.

Sample configurations

Sample configuration for opendatasoft

  • Element to loop on - /datasets
  • Element for the number of records to collect : /nhits
  • Element for the UUID of each record : datasetid
  • From URL parameter : start
  • Size URL parameter : rows
  • XSL transformation to apply : OPENDATASOFT-to-ISO19115-3-2018

Sample configuration for ESRI

  • Element to loop on - /dataset
  • Element for the number of records to collect : /result/count
  • Element for the UUID of each record : landingPage
  • From URL parameter : start
  • Size URL parameter : rows
  • XSL transformation to apply : ESRIDCAT-to-ISO19115-3-2018

Sample configuration for DKAN

  • Element to loop on - /result/0
  • Element for the number of records to collect : /result/count
  • Element for the UUID of each record : id
  • From URL parameter : start
  • Size URL parameter : rows
  • XSL transformation to apply : DKAN-to-ISO19115-3-2018