Local File System Harvesting
This harvester will harvest metadata as XML files from a filesystem available on the machine running the GeoNetwork server.
Adding a Local File System harvester
To create a Local File System harvester go to Admin console
> Harvesting
and select Harvest from
> Directory
Providing the following information:
- Node name and logo: A unique name for the harvester and, optionally, a logo to assign to the harvester.
- Group: Group which owns the harvested records. Only the catalog administrator or users with the profile
of this group can manage the harvester. - User: User who owns the harvested records.
Schedule: Scheduling options to execute the harvester. If disabled, the harvester must be run manually from the harvester page. If enabled, a scheduling expression using cron syntax should be configured (See examples).
Configure connection to Directory
- Directory: The path name of the directory containing the metadata (as XML files) to be harvested. The directory must be accessible by GeoNetwork.
- Also search in subfolders: If checked and the Directory path contains other directories, then the harvester will traverse the entire file system tree in that directory and add all metadata files found.
- Script to run before harvesting
- Type of record
Configure response processing for filesystem
- Action on UUID collision: When a harvester finds the same uuid on a record collected by another method (another harvester, importer, dashboard editor,...), should this record be skipped (default), overriden or generate a new UUID?
- Update catalog record only if file was updated
- Keep local even if deleted at source: If checked then metadata records that have already been harvested will be kept even if they have been deleted from the Directory specified.
- Validate records before import: Defines the criteria to reject metadata that is invalid according to XML structure (XSD) and validation rules (schematron).
- Accept all metadata without validation.
- Accept metadata that are XSD valid.
- Accept metadata that are XSD and schematron valid.
- XSL transformation to apply: (Optional) The referenced XSL transform will be applied to each metadata record before it is added to GeoNetwork.
- Batch edits: (Optional) Allows to update harvested records, using XPATH syntax. It can be used to add, replace or delete element.
- Category: (Optional) A GeoNetwork category to assign to each metadata record.
Privileges - Assign privileges to harvested metadata.