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Customizing editor


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Creating custom editor

A metadata editor configuration is defined for a specific schema plugin standard (see Implementing schema plugins).

The editor configuration defines the navigation menu for the editor (i.e. list of views and tabs), the list of fields and the type of control to use. Controls can be HTML-type (e.g. text, date) or more advanced controls built using AngularJS directives.

To build such an editor configuration, the user needs to know the XSD of the standard to properly build views, tabs and fields according to the element names (see schemas/config-editor.xsd). Create an editor root element and attach:

  • the schema and
  • namespaces for the standards
<editor xmlns:xsi=""

An editor configuration should first define some general element descriptions and then a set of views with at least one defined view.

Child elements:

Defining field type

Define the form fields type configuration. The default is simple text input. This list contains a list of fields which do not use a simple text input. The list of possible values are:

  • all HTML5 input type or
  • an AngularJS directive name. MUST start with data- and could end with -textarea to create a textarea element or with -div if the directive does not apply to the input or textarea but to the div element containing it.

An element can only have one type defined.

   <for name="gmd:abstract" use="textarea"/>
   <for name="gco:Real" use="number"/>
   <for name="gco:Boolean" use="checkbox"/>
   <for name="gco:Date" use="data-gn-date-picker"/>

The other option to define a more advanced field type is to catch the element using and XSL template. This approach is used for keywords in ISO19139 (see for example schemas/iso19139/src/main/plugin/iso19139/layout/layout-custom-fields-keywords.xsl).

Grouping element from the standards

List of elements to be displayed in a fieldset (i.e. boxed element). Those elements usually contain children elements and define major sections in the standard. For example, in ISO19139, identification and distribution are major sections and should usually be displayed as a group of information.


Defining multilingual fields

Configure here the list of multilingual fields for a standard.

By default, if the standard has multilingual support like ISO19139, all fields will be displayed as multilingual fields. Define in the exclude section the exceptions (e.g. gmd:identifier in ISO19139).

Then this section also allows to define how multilingual fields are displayed using the expanded elements. If expanded, then one field per language is displayed with no need to click on the language switcher.


Configuring views

At least one view MUST be defined, but more view modes can be defined depending on the needs.

By default ISO19139 defines 3 views (i.e. default, advanced, xml) and has one disabled view (i.e. INSPIRE). See schemas/iso19139/src/main/plugin/iso19139/layout/config-editor.xml for the configuration.

Another basic example is the Dublin Core view (see schemas/dublin-core/src/main/plugin/dublin-core/layout/config-editor.xml).

To create a new view, use the following:

    <view name="viewNameInLocalizationFile">

Child elements:

Defining a view

A view has a label and defines a specific rendering of the metadata records. A view is composed of one or more tabs.

  <view name="custom-view">

The view could be displayed or not according to the metadata record content or the current user session using the displayIfRecord and displayIfServiceInfo attributes.


  • name (Mandatory)

The key of the view name stored in {schema}/loc/{lang}/strings.xml or the element name with namespace prefix.

  <custom-view>My view</custom-view>
  • disabled (Optional) Fixed value: true

Hide the view from the menu if the attribute is defined. Allows to easily disable a view.

  • class (Optional)

Define custom CSS class to be set on the form element. This is mainly used to set the type of indent:

  • gn-label-above-input: to put label above form input
  • gn-indent-colored: colored left border on each fieldset
  • gn-indent-bluescale: blue scale colored left border on each fieldset

See catalog/views/default/less/gn_editor_default.less to add your custom editor styles.

  • upAndDownControlHidden (Optional) Fixed value: true

Define if up and down control should be displayed in that view. If not defined, controls are displayed. Hide those controls in a view to make it easier with less controls for the end-user.

  • displayAttributes (Optional) Fixed value: true

Display attributes by default when loading the view.

  • displayTooltips (Optional) Fixed value: true

Display help documentation for all elements by default when loading the view.

  • displayTooltipsMode (Optional)

Display help documentation onhover elements (default) or by clicking on an icon.

  • hideTimeInCalendar (Optional) Fixed value: true

Define if calendar control should allow users to set date only or datetime. If the attribute is not set, then date and datetime can be set. This is controlled at the view level, switching to another view may allow more control over the dates.

  • displayIfRecord (Optional)

XPath expression returning boolean value which will be evaluated against the metadata record. if true the view will be displayed. eg. Display custom-view if metadata standard name contains Medsea:

<view name="custom-view"
  • displayIfServiceInfo (Optional)

XPath expression returning boolean value which will be evaluate against the service information tree (Jeeves /root/gui element). if true the view will be displayed.

eg. Display custom view if user is Administrator:

<view name="custom-view"
      displayIfServiceInfo="count(session[profile = 'Administrator']) = 1"

displayIfRecord and displayIfServiceInfo could be combined. An AND operator is used. Both condition MUST returned true for the view to be displayed.

Child elements:

Defining a tab

A view contains at least one tab. In that case it will be the default tab to display and no top toolbar will be displayed to switch from one tab to another.

Add custom view with one default tab and a field for the title:

  <view name="custom-view">
    <tab id="custom-tab" default="true">
        <field xpath="/gmd:MD_Metadata/gmd:identificationInfo/*/gmd:citation/*/gmd:title"/>


  • id (Mandatory)

The tab key used in URL parameter to activate that tab. The key is also use for the tab label as defined in {schema}/loc/{lang}/strings.xml.

  • default (Optional) Fixed value: true

Define if this tab is the default one for the view. Only one tab should be the default in a view.

  • hideIfNotDisplayed (Optional) Fixed value: true

Define if the tab should be hidden (and not disabled only) if not displayed based on display rules.

  • toggle (Optional) Fixed value: true

Define if the tab should be displayed as a dropdown menu instead of a tab. This is used for advanced section, which is not used often by the end-user. More than one tab could be grouped in that dropdown tab menu.

  • formatter-order (Optional)

Define the ordering index of this tab in the XSLT formatter (Note used for editor).

  • mode (Optional) Fixed value: flat

The "flat" mode is an important concept to understand for the editor. It controls the way:

  • complex elements are displayed (i.e. elements having children) and
  • non-existing elements are displayed (i.e. elements in the standard, not in the current document).

When a tab is in flat mode, this tab will not display elements which are not in the current metadata document and it will display complex elements as a group only if defined in the list of elements with fieldset (see Grouping element from the standards).

Example for a contact in ""non-flat" mode:

Example for a contact in "flat" mode:

This mode makes the layout simpler, but does not provide all controls to remove some of the usually boxed elements. End-users can still change to the advanced view mode to access those hidden elements in flat mode.

It's recommended to preserve at least one view in ""non-flat" mode for Reviewers or Administrators in order to be able:

  • to build proper templates based on the standards
  • to fix any type of errors.
  • mode (Mandatory)
  • displayIfRecord (Optional)

XPath expression returning boolean value which will be evaluated against the metadata record. if true the view will be displayed. eg. Display custom-view if metadata standard name contains Medsea:

<view name="custom-view"
  • displayIfServiceInfo (Optional)

XPath expression returning boolean value which will be evaluate against the service information tree (Jeeves /root/gui element). if true the view will be displayed.

eg. Display custom view if user is Administrator:

<view name="custom-view"
      displayIfServiceInfo="count(session[profile = 'Administrator']) = 1"

displayIfRecord and displayIfServiceInfo could be combined. An AND operator is used. Both condition MUST returned true for the view to be displayed.

Configuring complex element display

Elements to apply "flat" mode exceptions. By default, "flat" mode does not display elements containing only children and no values.

Use or and in attributes to display non-existing elements. To display the gmd:descriptiveKeywords element even if it does not exist in the metadata record, or if the field should be displayed to enable the user to add new occurrences:


<!-* Elements that should not use the "flat" mode -->
<for name="gmd:descriptiveKeywords" />

Customizing thesaurus

To configure the type of transformations, or the number of keywords allowed, or if the widget has to be displayed in a fieldset, or as simple field for a thesaurus define a specific configuration:

e.g. only 2 INSPIRE themes:

  <thesaurus key="external.theme.httpinspireeceuropaeutheme-theme"

Adding a section to a tab

A section is a group of fields. If a name attribute is provided, then it will create an HTML fieldset which is collapsible. If no name attribute is provided, then it will just render the inner elements. For example, if you need a tab without a root fieldset, just create the mandatory section with no name and then the inner elements.


  • name (Optional)
An optional name to override the default one base on field name for the

section. The name must be defined in {schema}/loc/{lang}/strings.xml.

  • xpath (Optional)
The XPath of the element to match. If an XPath is set for a section, it

should not contain any fields.

  • collapsed (Optional) Fixed value: true

An optional attribute to collapse the section. If not set the section is expanded.

  • collapsible (Optional) Fixed value: false

An optional attribute to not allow collapse for the section. If not set the section is expandable.

  • mode (Optional) Fixed value: flat

The "flat" mode is an important concept to understand for the editor. It controls the way:

  • complex elements are displayed (i.e. elements having children) and
  • non-existing elements are displayed (i.e. elements in the standard, not in the current document).

When a tab is in flat mode, this tab will not display elements which are not in the current metadata document and it will display complex elements as a group only if defined in the list of elements with fieldset (see Grouping element from the standards).

Example for a contact in ""non-flat" mode:

Example for a contact in "flat" mode:

This mode makes the layout simpler, but does not provide all controls to remove some of the usually boxed elements. End-users can still change to the advanced view mode to access those hidden elements in flat mode.

It's recommended to preserve at least one view in ""non-flat" mode for Reviewers or Administrators in order to be able:

  • to build proper templates based on the standards
  • to fix any type of errors.
  • mode (Mandatory)
  • or (Optional)

Local name to match if the element does not exist.

  • or (Optional)

The local name of the geonet child (i.e. non-existing element) to match.

<field xpath="/gmd:MD_Metadata/gmd:language"
  • or (Optional)
  • in (Optional)
XPath of the geonet:child element with the or name to look for. Usually

points to the parent of last element of the XPath attribute.

  • in (Optional)

The element to search in for the geonet child.

  • displayIfRecord (Optional)

XPath expression returning boolean value which will be evaluated against the metadata record. if true the view will be displayed. eg. Display custom-view if metadata standard name contains Medsea:

<view name="custom-view"
  • displayIfServiceInfo (Optional)

XPath expression returning boolean value which will be evaluate against the service information tree (Jeeves /root/gui element). if true the view will be displayed.

eg. Display custom view if user is Administrator:

<view name="custom-view"
      displayIfServiceInfo="count(session[profile = 'Administrator']) = 1"

displayIfRecord and displayIfServiceInfo could be combined. An AND operator is used. Both condition MUST returned true for the view to be displayed.

Adding a field

To display a simple element use the xpath attribute to point to the element to display:

<field xpath="/gmd:MD_Metadata/gmd:identificationInfo/*/gmd:citation/*/gmd:title"/>

To override a field label use the name attribute and define that new label in {schema}/loc/{lang}/strings.xml:

<field name="myTitle"

To display a complex element which exists in the metadata document:

<field name="pointOfContact"

In this case all children elements are also displayed.

To display a field if it exists in the metadata document or to provide an add button in case it does not exist (specify in and or attributes):

<field name="pointOfContact"

Activate the "flat" mode at the tab level to make the form display only existing elements:

<view name="custom-view">
    <tab id="custom-tab" default="true" mode="flat">
        <field name="pointOfContact"


  • xpath (Mandatory)

The xpath of the element to match.

  • if (Optional)

An optional XPath expression to evaluate to define if the element should be displayed only in some situation (e.g. only for service metadata records). e.g.

  if="count(gmd:MD_Metadata/gmd:identificationInfo/srv:SV_ServiceIdentification) > 0"/>
  • name (Optional)

A field name to override the default name.

  • isMissingLabel (Optional)

The label to display if the element does not exist in the metadata record. It indicates that the element is missing in the current record. It could be used for a conformity section saying that the element is "not evaluated". EXPERIMENTAL

  • or (Optional)

The local name of the geonet child (i.e. non-existing element) to match.

<field xpath="/gmd:MD_Metadata/gmd:language"
  • in (Optional)

The element to search in for the geonet child.

  • del (Optional)

Relative XPath of the element to remove when the remove button is clicked.

e.g. If a template field match linkage and allows editing of field URL, the remove control should remove the parent element gmd:onLine.

<field name="url"

del attribute can be used in template mode or not. Example to remove spatialResolution while only editing denominator or distance. denominator or distance are mandatory, but as the del element points to the spatialResolution ancestor, there is no mandatory flag displayed and the remove control removes the spatialResolution element.

<field xpath="/gmd:MD_Metadata/gmd:identificationInfo/
<field xpath="/gmd:MD_Metadata/gmd:identificationInfo/
  • templateModeOnly (Optional) Fixed value: true

Define if the template mode should be the only mode used. In that case, the field is always displayed based on the XML template snippet field configuration. Default is false.

  • notDisplayedIfMissing (Optional) Fixed value: true
If the field is found and a geonet child also, the geonet child to add a

new one is not displayed.

  • displayIfServiceInfo (Optional)

XPath expression returning boolean value which will be evaluate against the service information tree (Jeeves /root/gui element). if true the view will be displayed.

eg. Display custom view if user is Administrator:

<view name="custom-view"
      displayIfServiceInfo="count(session[profile = 'Administrator']) = 1"

displayIfRecord and displayIfServiceInfo could be combined. An AND operator is used. Both condition MUST returned true for the view to be displayed.

  • use (Optional)
  • use (Optional)

The form field type to use (one of the HTML5 type) or an AngularJS directive to use. This list is defined as an open enumeration. For directive, the value will be set in a simple text input by default. If the directive needs to deal with cariage return character, the directive name MUST contains "-textarea" in order to set the value in a textarea instead of the text input.

  • use (Optional)

Field type. Register here any Angular directive to be used on the client side. Default is simple text field.

Child elements:

Adding a template based field

A templace configuration for an XML snippet to edit.

A template field is compose of an XML snippet corresponding to the element to edit where values to be edited are identified using {{fields}} notation. Each fields needs to be defined as values from which one input field will be created.

This mode is used to hide the complexity of the XML element to edit. eg.

<field name="url"
       <key label="url"

The template field mode will only provide editing of part of the snippet element. In some case the snippet may contains more elements than the one edited. In such case, the snippet MUST identified the list of potential elements in order to not to loose information when using this mode. Use the gn:copy element to properly combined the template with the current document.

eg. The gmd:MD_Identifier may contain a gmd:authority node which needs to be preserved.

      <gn:copy select="gmd:authority"/>

Warning: Template based field does not support multilingual editing for ISO standards (ie. only the main language is edited - therefore, multilingual elements will be preserved).

Adding documentation or help

Insert an HTML fragment in the editor.

<field name="edmerpName"

<text ref="edmerp-help"/>

The fragment is defined in localization file strings.xml:

  <div class="row">
    <div class="col-xs-offset-2 col-xs-8">
      <p class="help-block">The European Directory for Marine Environment
          Research Project (EDMERP) contains descriptions of many projects.
          This catalogue is maintained ...</p>


  • ref (Optional)

The tag name of the element to insert in the localization file.

  • if (Optional)

An XPath expression to evaluate. If true, the text is displayed.

  • displayIfServiceInfo (Optional)

XPath expression returning boolean value which will be evaluate against the service information tree (Jeeves /root/gui element). if true the view will be displayed.

eg. Display custom view if user is Administrator:

<view name="custom-view"
      displayIfServiceInfo="count(session[profile = 'Administrator']) = 1"

displayIfRecord and displayIfServiceInfo could be combined. An AND operator is used. Both condition MUST returned true for the view to be displayed.

Adding a button

A button which trigger an action (usually a process or a add button).

Example of a button adding an extent:

<action type="add"

Example of a button displayed only if there is no resource identifier ending with the metadata record identifier (ie. if attribute) and running the process with add-resource-id identifier:

<action type="process"
                                  //gmd:MD_Metadata/gmd:fileIdentifier/gco:CharacterString)]) = 0"/>

Example of a button based on custom directive with some directive attributes set by XPath:

<action type="add"
        name="dataQualityInfo" or="dataQualityInfo"
  <directiveAttributes data-source-records="xpath::string-join(
    //mri:associatedResource/*[mri:initiativeType/*/@codeListValue = 'specification']
      /mri:metadataReference/@uuidref, ',')"/>

Example of a drowdown button with 3 coordinates system to choose from:

<!-- Display CRS description only,
        customize label
        and drop the refSysInfo element if removed -->
 <field xpath="/mdb:MD_Metadata/mdb:referenceSystemInfo/*/

 <!-- Add one of the 3 CRS proposed using the dropdown -->
 <action type="add"
         name="referenceSystemInfo" or="referenceSystemInfo"
     <snippet label="addCrs4326">
                 <gco:CharacterString>WGS 84 (EPSG:4326)</gco:CharacterString>
     <snippet label="addCrs4258">
                 <gco:CharacterString>ETRS89 (EPSG:4258)</gco:CharacterString>
     <snippet label="addCrs3035">
                 <gco:CharacterString>ETRS89 / LAEA Europe (EPSG:3035)</gco:CharacterString>

Example of a button to display a suggestion form:

<action type="suggest"


  • name (Optional)


  • type (Optional)

The type of control

  • process (Optional)
The process identifier (eg. add-resource-id) or the associated resource

type to open (eg. onlinesrc, fcats, parent, source, sibling, service, dataset, thumbnail) See onlinesrc directive.

  • forceLabel (Optional)

Force the label to be displayed for this action even if the action is not the first element of its kind. Label with always be displayed.

  • if (Optional)

An XPath expression to evaluate. If true, the control is displayed. eg.

//gmd:MD_Metadata/gmd:fileIdentifier/gco:CharacterString)]) = 0

will only displayed the action control if the resource identifier does not end with the metadata identifier.

  • class (Optional)

Optional CSS class to add to the parent div element. eg. gn-required to show a *.

  • btnLabel (Optional)

Optional label to be addded to the button.

  • btnClass (Optional)

Optional CSS class to be added to the button.

  • or (Optional)

Local name to match if the element does not exist.

  • or (Optional)

The local name of the geonet child (i.e. non-existing element) to match.

<field xpath="/gmd:MD_Metadata/gmd:language"
  • or (Optional)
  • in (Optional)
XPath of the geonet:child element with the or name to look for. Usually

points to the parent of last element of the XPath attribute.

  • in (Optional)

The element to search in for the geonet child.

  • addDirective (Optional)

The directive to use for the add control for this field.

  • displayIfServiceInfo (Optional)

XPath expression returning boolean value which will be evaluate against the service information tree (Jeeves /root/gui element). if true the view will be displayed.

eg. Display custom view if user is Administrator:

<view name="custom-view"
      displayIfServiceInfo="count(session[profile = 'Administrator']) = 1"

displayIfRecord and displayIfServiceInfo could be combined. An AND operator is used. Both condition MUST returned true for the view to be displayed.

Child elements: