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The Catalogue includes an interactive map that is used to preview datasets.

How do I?

Visualizing Data

Map area

The map viewer has a number of features to explore the data:

  • Interactive map used to preview content.

Use the mouse to pan and zoom the map.

  • Controls used to add and manage map contents.

  • Navigation including Zoom in, Zoom out, Zoom to extent.

  • Location search including searching for your current position.

Map viewer Map viewer

Add layers

The interactive map views datasets as distinct layers. Layers can be drawn from a wide range of data sources.


Use records in the catalogue that include a saved map:

  1. From the Map viewer, press Add layer control, and change to Map tab.

This tab lists records that include saved Map.

  1. Use the Search field to locate the record to display.

  2. Use Add to map to include map contents.

Make use of records in the catalogue with web mapping services:

  1. From the Map viewer, press Add layer control, and change to Search tab.

    Add layer from Search Add layer from search

  2. Use the Search field to locate the record to display.

    Only records with Add to map are listed.

    Search for Africa Search

  3. Press Add to map to visualize the dataset.

Add layers services

Use web mapping service:

  1. From the Map viewer, press Add layer control, and change to Search tab.

Add layers services

  1. To browse contents of a Web Map Service, supply a the service description URL (known as GetCapabilities document).
type a WMS service URL:

The Web Map Service contents are immediately listed.

  1. Use WMS layers Search field to locate Coastline layer.

WMS Layers Add WMS Layer

  1. Press Add to map.

  2. Use the WMS layers Search field to locate the Countries layer.


Press the Layer styles to list styles available for the Countries layer.

WMS Layers Style Add WMS Layer style

  1. Locate the mapcolor9 layer style, and press Add to map.

Add files

Use KML files on the map.

Manage layers

Layer order

  1. From the Map viewer, press Manage layers control

    Manage layers Manager layers

  2. Placing the cursor over a layer shows Move layer up, Move layer down, and Remove layer button.

    Move layers up Move layer up

  3. Use these buttons to mange the layer order, and remove layers.


  1. From the Map viewer, press Legend control

    Legend Legend

Filter data

Select a WFS layer to filter content, using a CQL query.

Use a WPS process

Use a Web Processing Service to perform analysis and display the result.


Download map

  1. From the Map viewer, press Maps control

  2. Press *Download → OGC context (XML) button

Load map

  1. From the Map viewer, press Maps control

  2. Press *Load → From file button.

    Select a previously downloaded OGC context file.

Load map reset to default

  1. From the Map viewer, press Maps control

  2. Press *Load → Default map button.




Synchronize all layers

Zoom in/out, zoom to extent

Switch 2D to 3D
